Tuesday, November 27, 2007

John Coffey ma'am, like the drink, only not spelt the same

"They killed each other with they love, that how it is, every single day."

TGM(the green mile) is really a show that has really got my brain churning. ALOT. John Coffey, Del, Brutal, Boss Hedegcomb. All great people in their own special ways. They've left a great imprint on me. I respected them, i felt so strongly for the characters. The movie experience was so deliriously touching.

Do people really deserve to be punished like in the show? Maybe not particularly in the same ways, but does the government have the right to take a life? That got me thinking real hard. Isnt capital punishment as bad as murder? No malicious intent is involved, but WHAT HUMAN BEING HAS A RIGHT TO ELIMINATE ANOTHER?

Human beings are all made imperfect, some with greater faults than others. But who else has the right to judge than one who has attained perfection? And according to the cliche verse, "No one is perfect." And it remains so from the day we are delivered into earth, all the way till we step into our own "old sparky". ( an affectionate term used for the electric chair in the movie)

Capital punishment. As displayed in the show, an innocent man ( a mircale of God's) was killed beacause he tried to save the lives of two young girls. Evidence was pointing against him. Race and color was a handicap. Size was a contradiction. Yet, against all characteristics, HE WAS INNOCENT.


Who will really know the true and extact circumstances of any happening unless he is a supreme being? We are but humans. Although some times evidence opints to an answer almost too clear, what happens, then, when evidence is a red herring, a misleading bunch of facts that create misconceptions? Evidence, also, to its utmost usefulness, can only tell you what an offender did, not why. Reasons, pragmatics, logic.

Sometimes, human emotion takes the better of all these. Emotinos are unsually what makes a person do what he wants. Although it may not always be right, shouldnt everyone be given a chance to be a better individual? Downplay the idea of capital punishment: Imagine you've done something very very wrong. You're repentant, you're filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement, you're penitent. But no matter what you try to do,the people around you (or whoever else for that matter) dont forgive you. Whose fault is it, then?

My conclusion then, ends with a question. What is right and wrong without forgiveness and grace?

Another poem: Just for you John Coffey

Lonely as a sparrow 

Ambling in the rain 

Wanting to make the world alive 

Loving others in vain 

Blessed by almighty God Cursed by trecherous men 

When then could he show 

His utmost worth again 

He tried to save them lives 

However time intervened 

In the end 

Another life was taken 

Twas his 

A silent panther crouching 

in apprehent 

Tame despite account 

He was as timorous of the dark 

As many others were afraid of God 

Cold tingling beads of pespiration 

Line his musculine frame 

And a sweet stupid nightmare 

Could wake him up 


He said he was 

sorry for what he'd done 

He couldn't take it back 

But what other daft men perceived 

Was a vision assumed and mad 

He could never ever forget the sweet, 

lingering whispers Of the two mishapped blonde dolls 

So frail, so brittle 

could not forget their wails 

I'm desperately besieged! 

Oh how i mourn! 

For the loss Of seraphs like you 

You'll never know 

Then How much pain Everyday, that i go through 

For my lovely girls 

I hear the cries 

Of everyone Around 

I bemoan all night 

In silent thought Of the wreckage all humanity 

Has wrought 

Thou timid, fidget in his build 

Behold a mask Of courage, love and miracle 

That forevermore will last 

He walked the mile 

Sat in a pool of death 

Fingers trembling Eyes are pouring With tears constant like rain 

God have mercy on your soul God only who has control 

I love you son You've done me proud 

You can sleep for now 

And when you wake up, 

you'll find You're in heaven 

So sleep and smile Close your eyes 

Abandon this earth 

Open your arms 

I know your worth 

I'll blow a kiss Of merciful love 

So lay your mind aside 

My sweet kind dove 

Because i love you so 

You're taken And you're mine



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