Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sire Sire Pants on Fire

don't say another word
don't tempt me to sin
don't cause me to seethe
and let useless tears spill
from these wretched eyes of mine

don't say another word
i can hear you loud and clear
you shout your wisdom
but all i hear is
a monstrous voice

that is speaking in
a muffled drone

you have just placed
the phone down
with an angry click
that still
rings in my head

Will there be that
click again?

i am an imbecile
a letdown
and an ignorant
ungrateful fool

a naive

you have asked me to come
i have placed my hand to your craggy face
you have called and beckoned

i have screamed
and ignored

i look out at my window
and i see the night sky
littered with stars
and the moon

which will be dragged down
which will be held under water
by a scorching arch enemy

i look you at my window
and i see the dawn breaking
a red sea of clouds
littered with agony

and a phoenix
which is shot in the wings
by an arrow

it falls to the craggy recesses of earth
and remains there

till it is no more

till it is part of


till the clouds condense
and wash its remains away

till the cicada tree is felled
and sees
its last days

till the night turns early
with dread
and deceit

till my fingers tire
and i give in
to fitful sleep

Do not say any more


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey little one. :) I think it's brilliant. In fact,I didn't know you had it in you. Continue to surprise! :)

May 17, 2009 at 10:15 AM  
Blogger XiaoXun said...

>< .. sometime lives like that =X .. gotta live with it =X Jia you!

May 18, 2009 at 9:10 AM  

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