Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lord, this is for You.

My God and My Father,
i praise you for being my almighty God and for being faithful to me. I praise you for how You are wonderful and you are always there. I praise you for being Jehovah Jireh, my provider. I praise You for being my protector.

I praise You for being my indescribable God.

I am sorry for not seeking You above all else. For turning to other things and turning away from You. I want to seek You with all my heart, soul, strength and mind. But I get so carried away. I feel so tired now. Lord i haven't been relying on You for strength and all that i need. I havent sought after Your heart and i have run after things that do not matter as much as You do.

Lord my walk with You has been so slow. Many times i've strayed from your path you've set aside for me. I want to be right with You again. Now i feel so helpless, as if i am caught in this cycle. But Lord, You are my God who allows me to triumph above all difficulties! Help me to trust in You and love You with every fiber of my being, that the things i say and the thoughts that are in my mind will be pleasing unto You. I'm so sorry i did not wake up for church and i missed our appointment with each other. Lord, i've been missing out on so much. I want to be fully there with You!!

Lord i ask for your forgiveness in these areas, and this is my plea: that You will, out of Your grace and mercy, draw me back to You.

Lord, i thank you for ICE camp. For how you blessed me with such a responsive and special group; such a bonded group that listened and worked with each other. I thank You for how You allowed me to bond with the GPs and GLs. For the friends i made, and for the experience You've blessed me with. It was truly amazing leading a group of strangers and seeing them bond and cheer. I thank You for blessing me with the confidence and for protecting my health and fitness, that You carried me thru the three days of pure high-ness.

Lord i thank You also for protecting me. From the spirit i encountered and even those which i did not. I thank You for You have control over life and death and You are my protector. Who shall i fear? What shall i fear? For you are forever with me.

I praise You and thank You for my loving mother and father who do their best to raise me and meimei. I thank You for how they have sheltered and provided for us. I thank You for how they have taught us. I pray for mama that you change me and meimei evermore that she may see You are good and You are Lord. Change her heart, O God.

Lord i thank You for my mentors in church who keep me in check. Help them continue to keep a watchful eye on me, that i will not stray away form You. I thank You for Jar also, that he ahs been such an encouragement to me and such a blessing as a friend. I thank You for ACTS and i thank You for those who walk with me.

Lord i want to surrender my life anew to You. I want to commit school, lessons, DTVM, guitar club, jazz band, SPSU, and all my other commitments unto You. Even church ministry O Lord. I commit my friends, my activities into Your hands. Will i obey You and wait for Your blessings.

Lord i am afraid right now.

Will you grant me wisdom and a heart to learn during the PMNUC conference and the days that lead up to it. I thank You for giving me this opportunity and I want to make the best of it. Therefore Lord, take away my fear, and instead grant me a heart of courage and inquisitiveness. Help me to bring honor to You.

Lord about my commitments, help me make wise choices and painful ones. But above all, help me make choices that please You.

Lord i want to seek You daily in QT and quietness and humility. Help me to each morning, wake up enthusiastically to read Your word and to praise You for giving me life everlasting. Lord teach me, mould me, walk beside me, and fill me.

I want to walk beneath the shadow of Your wings.



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